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Terraform vs. Pulumi: Which Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tool is Right for You?


In the world of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), two prominent tools have emerged as popular choices for managing and provisioning cloud resources: Terraform and Pulumi. Both offer powerful capabilities for infrastructure automation, but they have different approaches and features that make them suitable for various use cases. In this blog post, we will compare Terraform and Pulumi, helping you make an informed decision on which tool is best for your infrastructure needs.

  1. Declarative vs. Imperative

One of the most significant distinctions between Terraform and Pulumi lies in their approach to defining infrastructure. Terraform uses a declarative language to describe the desired state of your infrastructure. You define what resources you want, and Terraform takes care of figuring out how to create or update them.

On the other hand, Pulumi uses an imperative approach, allowing you to write code in familiar programming languages (e.g., JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go). With Pulumi, you can leverage the full power of your chosen programming language to define your infrastructure, which can be more flexible and dynamic but may require a steeper learning curve for those new to programming.

  1. Language Support

Terraform primarily uses its own configuration language called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). While HCL is easy to learn, it’s a domain-specific language specifically designed for infrastructure provisioning. Pulumi, on the other hand, lets you use popular programming languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Go. This can be advantageous if your team is already comfortable with one of these languages or if you require more advanced logic and abstractions.

  1. Ecosystem and Providers

Terraform boasts a vast ecosystem of providers, which are extensions that allow you to manage resources from various cloud and infrastructure providers. The community has developed providers for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and many other services, making Terraform a popular choice for multi-cloud environments. Terraform also offers a marketplace for third-party providers.

Pulumi has an ever-expanding list of supported providers as well, but its ecosystem is still growing compared to Terraform. However, Pulumi provides a mechanism to create custom providers in your chosen programming language, which can be a significant advantage for organizations with unique infrastructure requirements.

  1. State Management

Both Terraform and Pulumi maintain a state file that tracks the current state of your infrastructure. Terraform stores the state file locally by default, but you can also use remote backends for collaboration and state management. Pulumi, on the other hand, uses its SaaS service called Pulumi Service as the default state management solution, but it also supports storing state files in your cloud provider’s storage, providing flexibility for state management.

  1. Continuous Delivery and CI/CD

Both Terraform and Pulumi can be integrated into your continuous delivery and continuous integration (CI/CD) pipelines. Terraform’s popularity has led to a wide range of CI/CD tool integrations and plugins. Pulumi, being a more recent entrant, also offers integrations and is designed to work seamlessly with popular CI/CD systems. However, Terraform’s longer history means it may have more mature integrations and community support.

  1. Community and Documentation

Terraform has been in the market for a longer period, resulting in a robust community, extensive documentation, and a vast number of tutorials, examples, and best practices. Pulumi’s community and documentation are growing, but it may not have the same depth and breadth of resources available for Terraform.


The choice between Terraform and Pulumi depends on your specific requirements and preferences. Terraform is well-established, offers a declarative approach, and has a vast ecosystem of providers. It’s a great choice for teams looking for a stable and widely adopted IaC tool.

Pulumi, on the other hand, provides a more programmatic and imperative approach, allowing you to use your favorite programming languages. This flexibility is particularly appealing for organizations with complex and dynamic infrastructure requirements, as well as those already proficient in programming languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, or Go.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on your team’s skill set, your infrastructure’s complexity, and your preference for declarative or imperative IaC. Both Terraform and Pulumi are powerful tools, and you can’t go wrong with either, as long as they align with your project’s needs.

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